Facilitator Letter

Facilitator Letters to remind your Customers, to speed up responses.

DebtLaw uk has introduced the facilitator letter service or phase 1, to aid several of our client’s internal collections processes, thereby speeding up customer responses to maximise recoveries and reduce the burden on internal resources.

The concept behind the facilitator letter, is that DebtLaw uk issue the letter’s on your behalf printed on our letterhead to encourage your customers to contact you directly and offer repayment proposals to avoid any legal proceedings or a default notice being sent to them.

The facilitator letter can be tailored to suit your customer requirements, be it as a gentle reminder or to inform your customer of what would happen if legal proceedings were commenced against them.

The facilitator letter can be used to replace the final internal collections letters you would usually send, or simply used as a standalone letter which works very effectively in Credit Control Management.

Unfortunately, some customers will ignore or not respond to the facilitator letter. However, the letter clearly states the next steps which may be taken against them and as part of our continuity, we would follow up with our next step or phase 2, please see inserts Pre-Legal Debt Collections, Letters of Claim and Legal Proceedings.

Example of an Internal Debt Process
Part 1 of Facilitator Letter Diagram Part 2 of Facilitator Letter Diagram

To further reinforce the facilitator letters message, we can also send out an email to your customer and a SMS text. This ensures all forms of communication are utilised to contact your customer.

Our experiences have shown that your customer contact rate will increase and inevitably we will receive telephone calls, emails and correspondence from your customers or their appointed legal representatives. In such cases, all calls would be redirected back to you and emails forwarded on including correspondence, thereby capturing the customer’s new contact details.

We can handle single figure instructions or multiple instructions. All data can be received either as an encrypted data file or using an SFTP secured site.

Charges are based on the volume of letters and or emails issued per month. For this service, our charges range from £1.00 to £10.00 per letter, together with a management fee (to action any calls or correspondence received by us) again based on the volume of instructions.

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