Make a Payment

Welcome to the DebtLaw uk Payment Portal

To process your card payment using our secure payment gateway please enter the reference number under "Our Ref:" (Digits Only) found at the top of any of our letters or emails we have sent you. Please tick the box below to confirm that you have read and agree with the payment terms and conditions.

Please check you have entered the DebtLaw uk reference number in the correct format e.g. 0123.0000 or 0123.00
Payment value cannot be lower than £5.00
To proceed with your payment, please tick the box to confirm that you agree with online terms and conditions

Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to one of our agents to make your payment or discuss a payment arrangement, please call (029) 2240 9669 or, email us at and we will arrange a call-back.

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Secured by Trust Payments
Your privacy is assured we do not capture any data other than the details of any payments made and the detail needed to apply that payment to the correct account. All Amounts quoted are in GBP (British Pounds).